MEXICO CITY, MEXICO – TagMaster North America, Inc installed high performing LR-Series Microwave readers in conjunction with SKIDATA parking control barriers and Easy Cash stations to provide parking access and revenue control for a high-end office building in Mexico City.
Torre Virreyes needed a secure parking access and revenue control system that was able to not only maximize revenue and throughput speeds but also read through bullet proof glass installed throughout the armored vehicles accessing the facility.
SKIDATA Mexico installed TagMaster NA’s LR-series long-range microwave RFID readers and tags in combination with SKIDATA parking control barriers and Easy Cash stations.
TagMaster NA Microwave RFID platform is able to consistently read through armored vehicles and bullet proof glass, increasing critical security for the facility. Throughput speeds have increased, and traffic congestion reduced. The solution put forward by TagMaster North America and SKIDATA Mexico was able to streamline overall parking operations. Torre Virreyes now has a secure, reliable, and modern comprehensive access control solution. This solution has significantly improved the parking experience and security for parking patrons.
TagMaster NA Products Used

LR-6 Pro
The LR-6 Pro is a versatile, all-purpose 2.45 GHz RFID Reader with a read range up to 20 feet.
S1255 MarkTag Classic
The MarkTag Classic read-only 2.45 GHz RFID Tag is the standard ID-tag choice for hands-free vehicle and personnel access.
Home » Applications » Mixed Use Parking » Torre Virreyes