SEATTLE, WA – TagMaster North America technology integrated directly with T2 System’s permit management and enforcement and T2 Flex system to provide the University of Washington, Seattle with a complete parking solution.
The University of Washington at Seattle required a campus-wide parking system with a large number of gates. Lots were clearly defined and accessible only to specific groups of people.
T2 Systems, a parking solutions supplier, provided the University with T2 Flex, a comprehensive and campus-wide parking system that manages parking access, revenue control and permits, making parking management and enforcement a seamless operation. Over forty TagMaster long-range UHF XT-3 Readers were integrated into T2’s cohesive solution, ultimately allowing for quick, hands-free vehicle access for students, faculty and staff at the controlled parking areas on UW’s campus. The long-range RFID Reader identifies a vehicle’s TagMaster AVI Tag as it approaches an entrance/exit gate and T2 Flex verifies the identity, triggering a gate to open for valid tags and denying access to anyone not permitted access in the specific parking area.
TagMaster North America was able to add features onto the XT-3 Readers such as tag filtering, where the Readers can correctly and reliably distinguish between multiple tags in an area without disrupting the processing time, and TCP/IP, where the communications protocol can be used in the universities private network. This integration enabled The University of Washington, Seattle to create a truly unified parking management platform.
TagMaster NA Products Used

XT-5 UHF Reader
The XT-5 “all-in-one” RFID UHF Reader offers a read range of up to 30 feet.

NA1000 ISO Card
The Passive ISO Card Tag allows for convenient, hands-free vehicle access in an economical format.
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