ASPEN, CO – Aspen Airport in Colorado installed high-performing TagMaster NA LR-Series 2.45GHz readers in conjunction with FlashParking’s parking access and revenue control equipment to streamline vehicle throughput despite the harsh environment.
Efficient and secure parking controls and access proved to be a challenge for the Aspen airport previously. Due to the extreme weather conditions present in Aspen, the airport needed a durable and reliable system capable of providing consistent performance regardless of adverse and inclement weather often present.
Aspen Airport deployed FlashParking’s Entry/Exit smart stations, cash machines and pay on foot stations in conjunction with TagMaster NA’s IP66 rated LR-Series long range RFID system proven for harsh environments. The new FlashParking touch screen kiosks with cloud technology and TagMaster’s premier microwave RFID technology improved the throughput speeds and effectively eliminated vehicle congestion and queues.
Streamlining parking controls increases security, and vehicle throughput is now improved at a critical traffic point, allowing airport parkers to conveniently gain access without the need to stop or roll down a window to present a badge. By choosing TagMaster NA and FlashParking, Aspen Airport maintains reliable oversight while increasing lane availability and maximizing revenue control.
TagMaster NA Products Used

LR-6 Pro
The LR-6 Pro is a versatile, all-purpose 2.45 GHz RFID Reader with a read range up to 20 feet.
S1255 MarkTag Classic
The MarkTag Classic read-only 2.45 GHz RFID Tag is the standard ID-tag choice for hands-free vehicle and personnel access.
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