ALBERTA, CANADA – Mount Royal College in Calgary decided on TagMaster North America, the world leader in RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) AVI (Automatic Vehicle Identification), to implement an upgraded parking system for their Lincoln Park campus.
Previously, the Lincoln Park campus did not have any AVI or access control systems in place at their parking lots, resulting in a free-for-all when it came to finding a parking spot. This became especially problematic given the fact that faculty and students expected a guaranteed space, but instead found themselves dealing with the daily hassle of struggling for parking. Mount Royal College decided that a more efficient, streamlined, and reliable parking system was necessary.
TagMaster North America deployed five LR-6 Pro Long-Range Readers and 750 S1255 MarkTag Classic Tags to address this challenge. In partnership with Trafco, barrier gates were installed and easily integrated with the Tag and Reader system. Students and faculty can now focus on more important things than worrying about finding a parking spot, and the college has more accurate and reliable oversight of parking operations.
The Mount Royal College – Lincoln Park campus AVI system from illustrates the opportunity to improve the parking experience, and dramatically increase user satisfaction as an end result, with TagMaster North America RFID.
TagMaster NA Products Used

LR-6 Pro
The LR-6 Pro is a versatile, all-purpose 2.45 GHz RFID Reader with a read range up to 20 feet.
S1255 MarkTag Classic
The MarkTag Classic read-only 2.45 GHz RFID Tag is the standard ID-tag choice for hands-free vehicle and personnel access.
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