ALABAMA, USA – A prestigious financial institution in Alabama deployed TagMaster North America’s long-range RFID readers and Access Control Tracking System (ACTS) Advanced software, powered by ARMID, to provide the performance and security the project required.
The financial institution required a secure parking solution that would virtually eliminate tailgating and unauthorized access. The location did not have an existing access control system on-site to manage vehicle identification and entry.
TagMaster NA’s ARMID ACTS Advanced software, in conjunction with their XT-series UHF readers, offered the ideal solution.
With the installation of TMNA’s turnkey access control system, the financial institution now has access to the user-friendly ACTS Advanced interface, which offers premium features such as zoning, multiple-reader support, sync-enabled whitelisting, easy-to-organize access groups and profiles, and customizable event reporting. ACTS Advanced software easily monitors and controls all inbound traffic, offering the financial institution increased security. The reliable RFID readers provide hands-free convenience for users and increased throughput speeds, reducing traffic congestion and increasing security.
TagMaster NA Products Used

ACTS – Advanced
ACTS Advanced software, powered by ©ArmID, is the premier access control tracking software solution for TagMaster North America’s RFID and LPR platforms, as well any third-party Wiegand proximity reader.

XT-5 UHF Reader
The XT-5 “all-in-one” RFID UHF Reader offers a read range of up to 30 feet.
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