What you need to know about:
What is the iceberg effect?
When you see an iceberg, the part you can see is only about 10-20% of what is there. This is an important concept for choosing an access control solution for gated communities. Choosing RFID ensures you have the lowest total cost of ownership and highest return on investment.
- Hidden Costs
- Barcode readers require regularly scheduled maintenance to perform.
- TagMaster NA RFID systems require little or no maintenance and have a low total cost of ownership.
TagMaster NA RFID systems are well known and regarded for their low total cost of ownership and high return on investment which makes them an ideal choice for gated communities and HOA’s access control.
- Security shouldn’t be compromised
- Barcode systems are recommended to be installed around 25 feet in front of the entrance, this creates an environment where tailgating is very likely.
- TagMaster NA RFID readers are mounted directly in front of the gates, as this allows each individual vehicle to be identified one at a time in sequence.
Part of the reason many communities choose to move to a hands free access control solution, is not only to increase convenience for the residents but increase security and reduce any risk of unauthorized access into the community.
- Appearance Matters
- Barcode decals are extremely large and obtrusive drawing unnecessary and unwanted attention.
- TagMaster NA RFID tags have multiple mounting locations and designs.
Avoid the iceberg effect!
Choose RFID for your community.
TagMaster North America, Inc., a leading provider of Identification Solutions, offering dual platforms of long-range Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Automatic Number Plate Recognition / Automatic License Plate Recognition (ANPR/ALPR) along with stand-alone and customizable software solutions. Collective technologies provide convenient and reliable platforms for Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) and Rail-Bound applications throughout the Americas. TagMaster North America’s breadth of Identification Solutions are able to increase security, decrease environmental impact and add value to actualize and simplify vehicle access control for a wide array of projects. For more information on TagMaster products, support and services, visit www.TagMasterNA.com or contact us at Info@TagMasterNA.com | P: 253.238.1421