We understand now more than ever public safety, hygiene and awareness it of the utmost importance. TagMaster hands-free RFID and LPR systems have been a key element in contributing to a safer and healthier vehicle access solutions.
With all the events happening around the world, it is important to also demonstrate the ways TagMaster systems contribute to a safer and healthier environment.
- Our solutions are completely hands-free. This means you don’t have to touch any buttons, swipe any cards, or present any credential to an attendant or gate guard.
- Our solutions get you in and out quickly. This means you aren’t waiting around in a long line surrounded by other people and cars. You have places to be and things to do. We make that happen faster for you.
- Our solutions keep you in the car. Regardless of what is going on outside, you don’t have to roll down your windows. Nobody likes freezing snow, heavy rains or extreme heat. Stay completely in the comfort of your car.
- Our solutions keep you focused. It’s easy to be distracted with current events. Our solutions don’t require you to do anything. We eliminate traditional distractions with fobs, cards or phone apps.
- Our solutions were built with safety as a focus. You don’t need to stop and interact with equipment or a person. This is very important with early morning and after hours access. Drive right through with your windows up and doors locked.
Health. Safety. Security – These are our fundamentals for how we develop and design our RFID and LPR solutions. We want to consult with you on your project. Call your TagMaster rep to discuss how we can help provide you with the right solution for the right project.