Take Advantage of Wide Lane Configuration (WLC) with TMNA’s CT-45

TagMaster NA introduces our latest feature for Wide Lane Configuration (WLC) with our powerful all-in-one CT-45 LPR Cameras.  This feature allows us to capture extra-wide lanes at up to 50 feet, using two CT-45 LPR cameras working in tandem to provide a singular output of high accuracy plate capture.

The ability for two LPR cameras to work as one ensures you have a clean access log, and making it easier to compile, manage and streamline valuable data.  Wide Lane Configuation ensures the highest accuracy possible for vehicles by mitigating a large distance that exceeds a singular cameras field of view (FOV).  This also allows vehicles coming in from many different angles are being picked up with less of a skew ensuring better accuracy and capture rates. 

Wide Lane Configuration (WLC)

The top image shows how the two CT45 LPR Cameras are able to cover an extra wide distance (up to 50 feet) and will provide one singular event output as though it were one camera in the event log.

This valuable feature is used when a  singular camera is unable to cover the extra-wide distance. 

Each CT-45 LPR camera boasts onboard processing (no server or software needed) with Infrared (IR) and a Color image processing within the same housing.  With the incredible ability to capture plates from 10-82 feet away and at lanes at up to 50 feet wide (utilizing WLC) – this camera can do it all!

The Wide Lane Configuration is available now on our innovative CT-45 LPR camera.

Don’t miss out and contact us today!